Lideramos la lucha en contra de la explotación sexual infantil y la trata de personas alrededor del mundo.
Nuestro trabajo abarca el mundo entero al asistir a las autoridades locales en sus esfuerzos de rescate y ayudamos a proveer cuidado posterior a todos aquellos afectados. Aunque damos prioridad a los niños, trabajamos para empoderar la liberación de cualquiera que sufra en las manos de aquellos que buscan explotarlos sexualmente. Ofrecemos recursos vitales a las autoridades alrededor del mundo y trabajamos sin descanso para concientizar y encontrarnos con los sobrevivientes en su camino de curación. Nuestra determinación nunca flaquea, y perseveraremos fielmente hasta que todos aquellos que lo necesiten estén seguros.
Nuestro Plan de acción
Operation Underground Railroad lidera la lucha contra la el tráfico y la explotación sexual con cuatro estrategias audaces.
Liderando La Lucha
Combatir la crisis global de la trata de personas y la explotación sexual requiere un equipo increíble. Estamos agradecidos de tener líderes experimentados y comprometidos guiando a Operation Underground Railroad.

Chief Executive Officer
Tammy Lee
Tammy Lee se une a O.U.R. desde Xena Therapies, una empresa de tecnología médica especializada en la salud de la mujer y la ortopedia, enfocándose en el apoyo filantrópico para las mujeres. Antes de fundar Xena Therapies, fue Presidenta y CEO de Recombinetics, una empresa de biotecnología enfocada en la salud humana, la medicina regenerativa y el bienestar animal. Con experiencia en asuntos corporativos en Carlson, la Fundación de la Universidad de Minnesota, Delta Air Lines y Northwest Airlines, la Sra. Lee sobresale en la construcción de coaliciones para el cambio de políticas y lidera esfuerzos de recaudación de fondos de varios millones de dólares, incluida la prevención del tráfico. También formó parte del Grupo de Trabajo Interinstitucional de la Casa Blanca para Combatir la Trata de Personas y otros consejos nacionales, abogando para poner fin a la trata. Reconocida como experta, habla con frecuencia sobre la filantropía corporativa y los programas de primera clase para iniciativas contra la trata.
Board of directors
Kelly Crouch, Strategic Advisor for Washington State Internet Crimes Against Children
In her role as Strategic Advisor for the Washington State Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, Kelly Crouch brings over 20 years of experience in community education to counsel over 150 agencies on strategies that both prevent and effectively respond to technology-facilitated child sexual exploitation. Through her commitment and expertise, she is an essential figure in protecting children from trafficking and other online dangers.
Jeff Frazier, Chairman of STIMPACK, a Haiti-focused Think Tank and NGO
Jeff Frazier is a decorated U.S. Army Veteran serving as the Chairman of STIMPACK, a Haiti-focused think tank and interventional NGO. Jeff has experience in marketing and growth organizations as the founder, former CEO and current Board Observer at THREAD, a leading technology platform enabling innovative research approaches to biopharmaceutical and life sciences organizations. Through his extensive charitable work, he has worked alongside community stakeholders to manage and fund projects focused on improving the quality of life in the world’s neediest communities, including through preventing trafficking.
Jordan Greenbaum, MD, Experienced Clinician and Researcher Specializing in the Treatment of Abused and Exploited Children
As a physician, Dr. Jordan Greenbaum spent her clinical career working with children who experienced abuse, sexual exploitation and human trafficking. She currently provides international training and technical assistance to multidisciplinary professionals working with abused and exploited children, providing guidance on the trauma-informed, child-centered and rights-based approach to care. She collaborates with global experts to create tools and resources to improve the health sector response to human trafficking. Her research has been instrumental in designing screening tools for healthcare settings to identify youth at risk of trafficking and sexual exploitation. Dr. Greenbaum’s extensive experience and dedication to the wellbeing of children make her a key figure in the fight against trafficking and exploitation.
Michele McBride, Director of Organization Development at Keller Williams and Champion of Women in the Workplace
Michele McBride is a multi-faceted professional committed to societal improvement and individual empowerment. As the Director of Organization Development for Keller Williams, Michele is pivotal in guiding the professional development of employees of all backgrounds and identities, and in ensuring that the company’s organizational needs align with strategic goals across its franchises, promoting a cohesive and effective workforce. Michele’s expertise is further recognized through her position as an Editorial Board Member for the peer-reviewed publication the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, where her involvement aligns with her broader goals of fostering societal advancement through informed policy and practice. As a co-Founder of the non-profit Project ROAR, she has been instrumental in promoting adaptable outdoor recreation focused on accessibility for athletes with disabilities and mobility differences.
Matthew Millhollin, 25-Year Law Enforcement Professional and Human Trafficking Expert
With more than 25 years of law enforcement experience, Matthew has played a pivotal and hands-on role in disrupting criminal organizations involved in human trafficking and child exploitation across Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Latin America. He provides both technical and operational assistance to dismantle transnational criminal organizations through directly liaising with government and law enforcement agencies around the globe.
Sean Vassilaros, Tech Executive, Entrepreneur, and Chairman of the Hailey Mayz Foundation
Sean Vassilaros is a proven executive and entrepreneur with extensive philanthropic experience. He served as co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer at THREAD, a leading clinical research technology platform, for ten years, culminating in a successful exit in 2019 via acquisition. Sean is the co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of KANNY, an innovative software company in the HR Tech space. In addition, he serves as Chairman of the Hailey Mayz Foundation, a non-profit providing physical, speech, and occupational therapies for special needs children, and as an Adjunct Professor at Lehigh University in the College of Engineering and Applied Science.
Líderes de operaciones globales y atención a sobrevivientes
Los equipos de Operaciones y Cuidado Posterior de O.U.R. abarcan siete regiones: Asia, Medio Oriente/África, Europa, América Central, América del Sur, México/Caribe y Estados Unidos/Canadá, impactando a más de 30 países. Conozca más sobre nuestros Directores Regionales de todo el mundo a continuación.

Nate Davis, Senior Vice President, Global Operations & Survivor Care and Leader of Global Operations Team
In this pivotal new role, Davis spearheads the strategic planning and execution of global anti-trafficking efforts, aiming to boost operational efficiency and effectiveness and ensuring comprehensive survivor care. After a long tenure in law enforcement, Davis joined OUR in 2021 as the Deputy Regional Director of Asia, where he led substantial expansion of the organization’s impact across the continent. Under his leadership, OUR established a presence in three new countries, doubled the number of operations, arrests, and rescues in the region’s most active office, and launched the organization’s first owned electronic storage detection (ESD) K9 program. Davis reports to CEO Tammy Lee.
Dan Ogden, Vice President, Cyber Operations
Utilizing his decades of experience in digital forensics, cybercrime prevention, and law enforcement, Ogden oversees the OUR’s cyber intelligence programs that inform rescue missions and gather critical evidence to help law enforcement rescue survivors and convict traffickers. Ogden also works directly with law enforcement to provide them the training and tools they need to identify cyber criminals and make arrests. He reports to Davis and supports OUR’s cyber operations worldwide. He joined OUR’s cyber operations team in 2022. Ogden has more than 20 years of law enforcement experience. Most recently, he served as a Deputy Director for the Cybercrime Lab within the United States Department of Justice. He also spent 13 years working for the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office as an Agent and Forensic Analyst.
Katrina Mariswamy, Vice President, Survivor Care, Asia, Middle East, Africa & Australia
Mariswamy oversees OUR’s comprehensive survivor care programs in Asia, the Middle East, Africa & Australia. She began working with OUR in 2021 and helped establish OUR’s office in Malaysia. She was promoted to Deputy Regional Director for Survivor Care – Asia in April 2022, and assumed the position of Regional Director for Survivor Care – Asia in October 2023. Prior to joining OUR, Mariswamy served as the trauma informed consultant for the Disrupting Harm research project (a partnership between UNICEF, INTERPOL, and EPCAT International) where she interviewed young female Malaysian survivors who had experienced online sexual exploitation and abuse. Mariswamy has over a decade of experience working with survivors of violence and trauma and has worked with international organizations including United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC).
Dodd DuPree, Vice President, Operations, Europe & the Americas and Government Liaison
DuPree now leads OUR’s on-the-ground missions within Europe and the Americas and acts as the primary interface between OUR and government agencies, facilitating collaborations and securing support for the organization’s work. DuPree joined OUR in 2021 as Regional Operations Director for Europe. Prior to his work with OUR, DuPree worked for thirty-two years in federal law enforcement, including serving over twenty years as a special agent with Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), seventeen of which were spent in the highly specialized International Operations division. DuPree reports to Davis in his operations role and to Lee as Government Liaison.
Kourtney Austin, Vice President, Survivor Care, Europe and the Americas
Austin now oversees comprehensive survivor care programs in the Americas and Europe. Austin comes to the role with a track record of advocating for vulnerable populations. Early in her career, Austin worked for Utah State University and was instrumental in creating a 24/7 team to respond to hospitals and police reports surrounding sexual assaults, domestic violence, and interpersonal violence. Austin’s promotion comes after serving as OUR’s Global Director of Survivor Care Operations.
Únete a la lucha
Cuando nos comprometimos con esta lucha en 2013, nunca imaginamos la cantidad de apoyo que recibiríamos de aquellos decididos a marcar la diferencia junto a nosotros, arrojando su propia luz sobre el problema del tráfico sexual infantil y la explotación sexual. Por eso nunca dejaremos de luchar y seguiremos yendo a los lugares más oscuros hasta que este crimen ya no exista. Gracias por seguir siendo la luz que llevamos a la oscuridad.